May 8th marked the beginning of the 2010 Mountain Waters guide school. Eleven fresh faces showed up Saturday morning eager to learn how to guide these big inflatable water crafts. Throughout the week, the newcomers were trained in whitewater fundamentals including paddle boat guiding, oar boat guiding, flip training, swim practice, and, of course, customer service.
The rookie class recieved instruction from Mountain Water’s guide instructers who have combined for over 65 years of class five experience. The rookie class graduated with honors and got the privalege of coming along on the Upper Animas camp set-up trip. The guide instructors finally got their turn to be on the oars, as they saddled up their boats in Silverton with stern rigs and off they went into Weeminuche Wilderness for two days of class five boating. The crew spent a lay-over day in Needleton setting up the camp, which includes a full commercial outfitting kitchen, three full-sized A-framed sleeping areas, a shower house, bar, horseshoe pits, and easy access to perhaps the San Juan Mountains finest display of scenery…Chicago Basin, home to three 14,000 foot peaks. Nestled along the confluence of Needle Creek and the Animas River, 11 miles from any civilization and only a steam engine train passing by daily, our set-up crew found there was no better place to be.
Words and pictures can’t explain it, this is something you simply need to see for yourself. You can find out more about our Upper Animas Adventure on our home page.
Mountain Waters is also offering a second guide school beginning on June fifth. If you’re interested in getting paid to spend your summer on the water or just simply want to learn how to guide a boat, you can find more information on our “Jobs” page. We’d be more than happy to have you along.